Eco-Friendly Ways To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Mattress

Bed Bugs Treatment At Home:

Bed bugs are vile wee creatures. A singular bed bug can hatch up to thousands of eggs that can lead to infestation. In this day and age, infestation of these pests can absolutely happen. They can live for days even without eating.

If they are staying in your attic, they can hibernate and multiply for a few days. By the time they are ready to hunt for food, your home is already infested.

But before you reach for that bottle of insecticide and spray it all over your mattress and colse to your house, you should know how dangerous it is for your health. If you have kids at home, you wouldn't want to expose them to those chemicals.

Bed Bugs Treatment At Home:Eco-Friendly Ways To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Mattress

Try eco-friendly ways to get rid of bed bugs. Here are some methods you can try:

1. Cryonite method

Cryonite method, also known as frosty method, is a very beloved anti bed bug medicine in Europe and Australia. This recipe is a non-toxic medicine that makes use of liquid carbon dioxide. This cold medicine freezes the bugs to death. What is great about this recipe is that it gets the job done without leaving a large mess behind. It also does not leave toxic residues behind so you can use this medicine even to children mattresses.

2. Mattress covers

Mattress covers do not absolutely kill the bugs but they trap the bugs inside and preclude them from traveling to the face of the bed. They are isolated so they will die a natural death.

When buying mattress covers, see to it that you are using those products absolutely intended to trap bugs. There are those that are only used to keep the mattress clean. Look for a three-way zipping ideas to effectively seal the bed and preclude bugs from escaping.

3. Natural bug killers

You can merge this with the mattress covers method. Spray the bed with natural bug killing explication first before face it. Significant oils work well in repelling and killing bugs. Some Significant oils you can use are basil, rosemary, lemon grass, eucalyptus and neem.

Combine these Significant oils and mix it up with a bit of water. Spray the explication all over the bed. Leave it there to dry before using the mattress cover.

4. Steam cleaners and vacuum cleaners

The heat from the steam will kill the bugs. Vacuum cleaners also work in sucking the bugs that are prosperous in your bed. Be truthful in disposing the dirt collected by the vacuum cleaner. Place it in a sealed garbage bag before disposing to preclude the bugs from escaping.

Bed Bugs Treatment At Home:Eco-Friendly Ways To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Mattress


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